Worship With Us
What our worship is like...
We know going to a new place for the first time can be intimidating. We want to help make your experience with us one where you are encouraged and where God is honored. We are saving a seat for you.
What should you expect?
We follow the simple, spiritual pattern of the New Testament. We set aside time every Sunday at 10 AM and Wednesday at 7 PM, for about 45 minutes, to come together and learn more about applying God's Word to our lives through Bible studies for all ages. Our adult Bible classes are conducted as open discussions where men teach from God's Word and address questions as we go.
Our Sunday morning worship service lasts about 60-75 minutes. During worship, we pray to our Lord, sing acapella songs (without instruments) of praise and encouragement (Ephesians 5:19), and read from the Bible. The focus of our worship is remembering the death of Jesus by taking the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Then an opportunity is given for Christians to give from the heart to the Lord (1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 9:7) – visitors are not asked nor obligated to give. We use these collected funds to help Christians in need, address the physical needs of the congregation, and further the teaching of the Bible in this community. After the Lord’s Supper and the opportunity to give, we hear an encouraging message spoken from God’s word (Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 4:2) then typically end with a song and a prayer.
What should you wear?
Come in what you feel comfortable wearing. You can expect to be welcomed as our guest and will fit in with what others are wearing.
What if you have kids?
During the Bible study times on Sunday and Wednesday we have classes for all ages to teach children the important stories of the Bible in an engaging way.
During our Sunday morning worship time we have the children with the adults so that they can enjoy worship and learn about God. If you have an infant, we have a nursery available. For other ages, your child can either sit with you or with other children their age during the worship. Just let a greeter know when you enter if you would like to have your child sit with some of the other children.
Still have questions?
Feel free to contact us with questions about anything on our site, what we do, what we believe, or directions to the building. If you don’t understand something you hear or see in our services, please ask anyone before or after our services and we’ll be glad to provide you an answer. Likewise, if you've already visited with us, we'd love your feedback.